Grand Oaks Church has a compelling desire to see positive life change in our church, community, and world. We accomplish this by bringing people into a more intimate relationship with God through worship, teaching, and fellowship. Historically we have seen this happen in scores of lives and we are committed to bringing this same dynamic message of hope to this generation.


Helping people find and follow Jesus Christ.


Developing fully committed followers of Jesus


Grand Oaks Church is an independent community church that strives to be sensitive to the needs and issues of our local community.


Grand Oaks Church is very unique ministry. We are experiencing an exciting new beginning but we are far from a new church. Our history began 50 years ago as North Freeway Baptist Church and has continued for these past 30 years as North Park Baptist Church off FM 1960. We combine a very stable, successful, experienced past with an exciting new passion to be relevant and effective in this new chapter of our history.
