The Reason Christ Came


When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners. Romans 5:6 (NLT)

Pastor Sandy wove the message throughout our worship music today. Due to copyright restrictions we cannot post the recorded music. However, I have provided the list of songs, with a link to each song on YouTube. Where possible the link goes to the “official” channel. The links will open in a new (browser) tab or window. You can pause the message listen to each song as Pastor Sandy brings the message.

1. Glory (Let There Be Peace)
2. Joy To The World (Unspeakable Joy)
3. King of Kings
4. At The Foot of the Cross
5. O Come To The Altar
6. Joy To The World (Unspeakable Joy) (reprise)

Some of the YouTube links may have advertisements. This is not an endorsement of those ads or products; nor is it an endorsement of any particular YouTube channel or music publisher. These links are provided for the sole purpose of allowing you to experience this message in the manner in which it was delivered.